So Ross seemed to get over his vomiting bug only to come down with a chesty cough, which made him vomit... We saw a doctor on 23rd and got some antibiotics to combat a bacterial infection but he was not in great form and still was not feeding very well.
On Christmas morning he was really chesty, with laboured breathing, really shallow and wheezy. We called NHS 24 and got sent straight to the A&E department of the local hospital. There the doctor siad it's likely a viral infection (which antibiotics dont work on) and gave him some inhaler which eased his breathing straight away. He suggested keeping him in for monitoring but we've had our fill of hospital wards this year and agreed that we could monitor him just as well at home.
OnBoxing Day morning he seems a bit better although he did vomit up all his medication. We've been giving him the inhaler regularly and following 2 massive poos (last one was 6 days ago...) he seems much better this afternoon.
Fin, on the other hand, has had a fantastic Christmas!
Friday, 26 December 2008
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
Move went well, although the first night in or new house saw both boys very sick!
Fin was up vomiting all night but seemed to get over it with the help of lots of cartoons on Saturday morning. Ross on the other hand is into his 4th day of sickness but seems to be a bit better today. He's been not keeping much down and we got the doctor to check him out yesterday in case he was getting dehydrated. Our biggest concern has been getting is medication to stay down long enough to be absorbed.
Anyway, he's hopefully over the worst and we can now focus on full-scale Christmas celebrations! Click below to see our Christmas routine featuring Fin and Ross...
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Back in UK
Eurostar back to UK this afternoon. Only planning on speaking English for the coming weeks (years). Kids all over the place with different beds / houses / countries so sleeping a bit of a premium this week. Training non existent.
Not sure what Rich is on about below...
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Karl the illiterate...
His hair is obviously using his brain to fuel its growth. I didn't know there was a comedian in the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The dangers of relying on the spill chicken...
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Rich the comedian...
I neglect to get a hair cut for a few weeks and he starts on me...he's been trying to perfect his Red Hot Chilli Peppers look for years!!!
The real reason Karl is moving back...
It is great that Karl is moving back to the UK - it is all very well speaking on the phone and offering lots of support, but with him being only a few hours away, we can see them more and help lots more. Also makes the sneaky weekends away to the hills less of an expedition to organise. I have picked out a route on Stob Dearg, Curved Ridge (see below), which will give us both a good work out. I did my back in (again) a few weeks ago and consequently the running has dropped right off. Bad news all round.

It is great news that we know Ross can see - Kirsty reckoned it was obvious when she went out at the end of November, but it is fantastic to have it confirmed. Another small step away from the abyss. Anyway, back to the real reason Karl is returning to the UK. Despite his best efforts, and those of Clair, he has not developed his French enough to be able to get a barber to understand him...
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Ross can see!!!
We took Ross to see the eye specialist today, and he is very sure that Ross can see! He'll need glasses but it's great to know that he can see us - great news for Christmas...

Friday, 12 December 2008
End of the expat era...
So the moving men arrive on Monday and by the end of next week we'll be surrounded by boxes in our temporary house in near London.
We decided to move back to UK after giving it a go here in France, but given everything that's going on with Ross, we decided several weeks ago that we need to be back in UK in order to make everything just a wee bit easier, to be a bit closer to friends and family, to ensure Ross gets everything he needs, and to make sure we get the help required to keep us sane.
My employers Unilever have been fantastic; they have been very sensitive to our personal situation, and have gone beyond the normal expectations to make our move back as easy as possible. I've worked for them for over 12 years and how they have managed our changing circumstance confirms that they are without a doubt the best company in the world to work for.
Rich and I have also planned some training for Mont Blanc. At the end of January he plans on getting me up this - Buachaille Etive Mor at the top of Glencoe in Scotland. I think some jogging either side of Christmas dinner may be required.

Ross has been pretty content when awake the past week or so - we're hoping it may be a turning point in that he may be becoming a bit less agitated. He has also slept until 5am a few nights recently - a vast improvement on 3am...
We're off to see a specialist eye doctor tomorrow - apparently he'll be able to tell us if Ross is seeing anything or not so we're keeping our fingers crossed for some good news. Will let you know.
We decided to move back to UK after giving it a go here in France, but given everything that's going on with Ross, we decided several weeks ago that we need to be back in UK in order to make everything just a wee bit easier, to be a bit closer to friends and family, to ensure Ross gets everything he needs, and to make sure we get the help required to keep us sane.
My employers Unilever have been fantastic; they have been very sensitive to our personal situation, and have gone beyond the normal expectations to make our move back as easy as possible. I've worked for them for over 12 years and how they have managed our changing circumstance confirms that they are without a doubt the best company in the world to work for.
Rich and I have also planned some training for Mont Blanc. At the end of January he plans on getting me up this - Buachaille Etive Mor at the top of Glencoe in Scotland. I think some jogging either side of Christmas dinner may be required.

Ross has been pretty content when awake the past week or so - we're hoping it may be a turning point in that he may be becoming a bit less agitated. He has also slept until 5am a few nights recently - a vast improvement on 3am...
We're off to see a specialist eye doctor tomorrow - apparently he'll be able to tell us if Ross is seeing anything or not so we're keeping our fingers crossed for some good news. Will let you know.
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